Events / Trade Shows

Your story doesn’t just live on the screen or in print - it lives in events


We partnered with the branding company to create a unique booth experience at Expo West 2024

Pictured Below: Booth Mock Up Design. Pictured Right: The Uncle Crumbles Booth at Expo West 2024

How we solved it:

We were able to dedicate 10ft of the 30ft to Uncle Crumbles private label business. By using a different background, we were able to convey

Pictured Right: Team member sketches of booth attire. Far Right: Team members of the booth wearing the designs.

  • Create and design a booth in 24 days.

  • Combine Uncle Crumbles and their Privet Label business.

  • Create a unique uniform for the employees

The Challenge:

Pictured Above: Product Sell sheet, front and back. Right: Custom branded button

Bakery On Main

Working with Bakery On Main, we created a unique and fun branding booth that fit into their budget and timeframe.